
Monica Romano


Monica Romano

Monica has successfully helped businesses get featured in top publications since 2019. She’s written for publications including Business Insider, Forbes, Woman’s World, and First for Women. 

She’s cultivated key media relationships to help you get seen, build, authority, and ultimately grow your business. 

About Hidden Gem

There’s an art to telling a brand’s story and pitching it to the media. Monica’s love for connecting with others compels her to dig deep and mine for the personal gold unique to every person and every story.

As a health & lifestyle journalist, Monica’s love of compelling storytelling led her to study screenwriting in Hollywood, CA. She has built key media relationships with editors, reporters, and TV producers over the years.

She loves working behind the scenes to get you seen. Monica is your Hidden Gem!

Clients Featured In

Forbes Magazine

My goal is for women like you to feel empowered to take on BOTH sides of your dreams...

My goal is to amplify for visibility because you and your mission matter...

Everyone deserves to be seen because each person carries a unique story, perspective, and potential that can contribute to the richness of our collective human experience. Our visibility validates our existence, our identity, and our value in society. It’s through being seen, we find the courage to express ourselves, share our ideas, and make meaningful connections. So, let’s celebrate visibility, for it is a fundamental right, not a privilege.